Supply chain tier mapping

What You'll discover

Supply Chain management is considered one of the critical cogs in the functioning of a business. In this webinar, we dig into the details of mapping the Supply Chain, why is it critical, what do we need to map a SC, examples from a couple of industries and finally applications of the mapping.

In this webinar, we’ll cover:

  • What is Supply Chain mapping?
  • Why is it critical?
  • Data elements necessary to map a SC?
  • Explore applications of the mapping.

Who should attend:

We target curious and ambitious procurement and Supply Chain professionals – CPOs, Supply Chain Directors, Category Managers, Logistic Managers, Buyers Interested in getting a deeper knowledge about SC mapping.

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Manish Shanbagh

Manish Shanbhag has over 18 years of International experience in supply chain consulting  in the retail sector, Sourcing / Procurement in the Energy (manufacturing) and Transport sectors. Manish has several years of experience in defining and managing Sourcing and Performance methodologies, tools and key initiatives.

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