- January 24, 2024
- 10am - 11am (Paris time)
- Online
- Participation is free, registration compulsory
Over the past decade, the role of procurement has continued to evolve; from an innovation standpoint, it moved from enabling product development, to becoming a key driver of innovation within organisations.
Innovation in procurement is not limited to developing products with existing suppliers. It involves leveraging capabilities from both existing and new suppliers and partners to solve current and future business problems. While procurement teams have made progress in this area, new challenges such as decarbonisation, the digitalisation of industries, and de-globalisation require they further develop their innovation capabilities.
These trends require systemic innovation capabilities, which I address by suggesting a few recommendations that professionals can use to understand and contribute to deliver system-level changes.
Hervé Legenvre
Hervé blends academic and practitioner thinking to create unique learning experiences.
He continuously looks at the trends that will shape the business world. He believes that the competitive edge of companies will increasingly be co-created with suppliers and other external partners. He has developped methodologies to map business ecosystems and to create IoT vision.