Bee-Resources© is a secure, simple, flexible and efficient assessment process for individual, team or companywide evaluations.
It is available in 7 languages and has been used by more than 20 000 professionals since 2004 around the world.
The tool has been adapted over the years through collaborations with experts in several domains (Purchasing, HR, Universities), in order to offer today its latest version (service related and production related).
One of the greatest obstacles to your company’s growth is “Finding and Retaining Talent”.
The challenge now is to attract the right people, retain them and develop each individual in your team to their full potential.
This “War for Talent” is a common challenge experienced across all organisations today.
We have created standard job profiles for various job positions. Nonetheless, companies may customise the method by adding specific activities, and skills, by building specific job positions, or simply by modifying the terminology.
The tool is accessible through a web browser and enables simultaneous assessment of various levels of purchasing professionals worldwide. Access is possible from a PC, a tablet, or a smartphone.
Individual information is treated confidentially, and controlled by the user, according to country and company or worker council-specific requirements.